3 yearsTitle : Digital Designer and Director
Option : Video games
Students develop and produce 2 video game projects during the 3rd year of their degree.
The first project is part of a progression designed to bring students to a first level of mastery of Game Design, Level Design, Game Art and Programming.
The second project, carried out from A to Z by a group, will be presented at the end of the course to a panel of professionals occupying various positions in the video games industry.
2 yearsTitle : Master's Degree in Digital Production
Option : Video games
From the 4th year (Master 1), students perfect their technical knowledge and develop 2D-3D projects in real time.
They also learn about the use of new technologies such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality) and development on mobile platforms (games on smartphones). At the same time, other areas of application are covered, such as gamification (the use of video game mechanics in other sectors) and research.
The final year (Master 2) is entirely devoted to producing a video game as a group, with a presentation at the end of the year to a panel of professionals working in the video games sector in France or abroad. Alongside this production, part of the course is devoted to integration into the world of work: development of a professional network, job-hunting exercises (building a career plan) and an introduction to entrepreneurship.
Admission to the school is permitted on registration thanks to Parcoursup. (Eligibility file with book).
The candidate must provide with his application a « book » : collection of personal works, drawings, films, collages, music, sounds, scenarios, etc. The student is strongly encouraged to offer other materials, which will allow the examiner to best approach his or her personality.
Each application is reviewed by a school academic manager.