Tiot Bout d'Carbon
In the north of France, a tween Coal miner’s son has to take over his father’s endeavor, deep underground...
Music: « Le blanc Misseron » composed by Bernard Maté and performed by "La Fanfare".
Sound design by Issakha Mbacke & Renaud Watine.
Mix by Christian Cartier.
Patrick De Carvalho | Je Regarde
Awards (1)
Festival du Film d'Animation de Tournus
Jury Professional Prize
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Selections (22)
- Carrefour du Cinéma d'Animation / Paris / FRANCE
- Festival du Film d'Animation de Tournus / Tournus / FRANCE
- Cinetica, Rencontres du Film d’Animation / Bastia / FRANCE
- Festival Ciné-Jeune de l’Aisne / Laon / FRANCE
- Festival Ça Cinéma / Grenoble / FRANCE
- Acid'Animé Contest / Paris / FRANCE
- IESA Video Awards / Paris / FRANCE
- Festival des Nouveaux Cinémas / Paris / FRANCE
- Best Of Écoles d’Anim’ 2024 | Festival International du Court Métrage de Lille / Lille / FRANCE
- Festival National de la Créativité Audiovisuelle (FNCA) / Cannes / FRANCE
- Festival International du Film Indépendant Cinémondes / Berck-sur-Mer / FRANCE
- Festival du Premier Court-Métrage / Pontault-Combault / FRANCE
- FIFAVA International Short Film Festival / Anglet / FRANCE
- ANIMAC International Animation Film Festival of Catalonia / Lleida / SPAIN
- Girona Film Festival / Girona / SPAIN
- Animation Dingle Festival / Dingle / IRELAND
- CyBorg Film Festival / Valtiberina / ITALY
- Visioni Corte International Film Festival / Gaeta / ITALY
- International Festival of Films for Children and Youth (ICFF) / Isfahan / IRAN
- MUMIA Underground World Animation Festival / Belo Horizonte / BRAZIL
- TINDIRINDIS International Animation Film Festival / Vilnius / LITHUANIA
- ICONA Animation Festival / Corfu / GREECE