The Piktura school delivers university degrees
Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

2 training levels
Piktura specialises in training for careers in 2D animated film, 3D animated film, video games and illustration.
During their five years of study, students design and produce animated film, video game and illustration projects. Combining project management, concept and technique, students will have skills and autonomy by the end of their course. Creativity, ideas, initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit will be supported and accompanied by the entire Piktura team throughout the student's course.
During their five years of study, students design and produce animated film, video game and illustration projects. Combining project management, concept and technique, students will have skills and autonomy by the end of their course. Creativity, ideas, initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit will be supported and accompanied by the entire Piktura team throughout the student's course.
Recognised qualifications
Bachelor’s degree
Bachelor's degree in digital design and production
Options : 2D Animation or 3D Animation or Video Games or Illustration or UX Design
- Under contract State University Diploma Bachelor of Art, Digital Creation option
Master’s degree
Master's Degree in Videogame Production and Interaction Design
Options : 2D Animation or 3D Animation or Video Games or Illustration or UX Design
- Under agreement State University Diploma Master's Degree in Digital Creation, Graphic Design and Interaction Design course
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ECTS
Piktura works with the ECTS credit system, which validates university degrees and allows parallel admissions.
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) makes it easier to understand courses and encourages exchanges and further study in France and abroad.
It also allows students to repeat their studies as part of lifelong learning. This system is student-centred, based on the amount of work students have to do in order to achieve the objectives of the programme, which are defined in terms of knowledge and skills to be acquired. It greatly encourages student mobility.
which can be capitalised in the Springboard year and transferred to Licence 1
180 ECTS
required to complete a Bachelor's degree
120 ECTS
required to complete a Master’s degree
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) makes it easier to understand courses and encourages exchanges and further study in France and abroad.
It also allows students to repeat their studies as part of lifelong learning. This system is student-centred, based on the amount of work students have to do in order to achieve the objectives of the programme, which are defined in terms of knowledge and skills to be acquired. It greatly encourages student mobility.
which can be capitalised in the Springboard year and transferred to Licence 1
180 ECTS
required to complete a Bachelor's degree
120 ECTS
required to complete a Master’s degree
Links with other establishments at the Université Catholique de Lille
Piktura l’école de l’image of the Université Catholique de Lille.
Piktura has joined the Université Catholique de Lille as part of the university federation, sharing its values and its desire to become a world-class creative campus.
The multidisciplinary offering of the Université Catholique de Lille, combined with Piktura's expertise in digital design, enables the development of unprecedented synergies of skills.
Whatever their discipline, and in fields as varied as health, research, connected engineering (hardware), architecture, industry... all students at the Université Catholique de Lille will now be able to train in the artistic dimension of their own profession.
Piktura has joined the Université Catholique de Lille as part of the university federation, sharing its values and its desire to become a world-class creative campus.
The multidisciplinary offering of the Université Catholique de Lille, combined with Piktura's expertise in digital design, enables the development of unprecedented synergies of skills.
Whatever their discipline, and in fields as varied as health, research, connected engineering (hardware), architecture, industry... all students at the Université Catholique de Lille will now be able to train in the artistic dimension of their own profession.